6,000 TV Channels
Popular Network TV Channels
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VOD Movies and TV Shows
TV Channels from Over 100 Countries
Top HD Channels Available
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Watch on PC/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile or Connect to TV
Automated Updates in Members Area
Use Anywhere You have Internet
Get thousands of Radio Stations
Easy-to-Use Service
One-Time Fee – No Monthly or Yearly Charges
Lifetime Membership
Free Technical Support
What Makes Us Better Then All The Rest?
Q – You may be asking yourself why should I pay for this service?
A – You can find many free TV channels on the Internet today. The problem is about 90% of the time the channels you more than likely want to watch are not working. If your lucky to find the TV channel be prepared for viruses, adware, and spyware effecting your computer.
Many of the free TV sites will use malware to infect your computer, get your personal information, etc. Is it worth the chance? Our service will provide a 90% + uptime on all the popular TV channels. We scan these channels to assure there is no spyware, adware, viruses or anything that can cause you harm.
Q – What makes this online TV program different then the the paid online TV programs?
A – First, we provide our service 100% online. You login and you view the TV channels of your choice. We update the channels on a daily basis as well as do a major update (adding more channels) once a week. Most of the other paid TV programs will give you an outdated software download that hasn’t been updated in five years.
You will see that almost all of the popular TV channels don’t work. We have seen in many cases none of the TV channels worked and there was no refund guarantee. Also our program is offered at one of the lowest prices on the Internet. One-time price, no hidden fees, and no subscriptions.
You will see many other paid online TV programs charging double the price for half of the channels we provide. Also many don’t offer any kind of money-back guarantee. WE DO!
Have more questions? Visit our FAQ page to see more frequently asked questions.
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Get All of These TV Channels – Entertainment – Bonuses
So How Much Does All of This Cost?
We have just reduced the price of this program from $89.95 to $39.95
This make the ONE-TIME fee today only $29.95
* The bonuses alone are worth four times the amount of today’s price!
Remember, we offer a complete 30-day money-back guarantee if this doesn’t work for you, or you are unhappy for any reason… No Questions Asked!
We will even let you keep the bonuses if you ask for a refund!
If you don’t get directed to get your login username and password after payment email us and we will get you your login right away.
Email us at: Support@i-pctv.com or ViewPctvLive@Yahoo.com
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